Fond Memories

Created by Gerry 7 months ago
It is with such sadness I think of the passing of Miss Drusilla. So many memories remain with me. She will always be remembered with love and respect. I was seven when I started ballet classes. Just once a week, then twice, and then every day. Then in all the subjects and then came all the opportunities of festivals, shows, pantomimes, garden parties and so much more. My family was very much involved. Gary, my brother, taking photographs, my Dad always there for making scenery and driving us all backwards and forwards. I remember Dad saying “could you have a dance that doesn’t have a prop!” My Mum, well - she loved being involved from cleaning the studios, to costume making and everything in between. One particular costume my Mum always laughed at was a pantomime costume for a group which Miss Drusilla decided was to be made out of the curtains from the studio in Station Road. They had large tulips on them! Only she, and my Mum, could have come up with this idea. Another not so clever idea was a Goose Fair parade, on the back of a coalman’s lorry. The subject was music and we were Doh, Ray, Me. I was Ray, dressed in bright yellow crepe paper, and it rained….I was yellow for a week and our ballet shoes were black for even longer! Another memory was Miss Drusilla driving me to Dancia’s in Hove for my first pair of pointe shoes - how wonderful! I wonder do you recall Miss Drusilla’s mum had a tortoise called Jimmy? He came to live with us, eventually travelling to Cornwall with a friend and now still lives in a tortoise sanctuary, as far as we know! After qualifying as a teacher with Miss Drusilla and becoming a member of her staff, I remember she took me to one side and said “Do call me Drusilla - you are staff now!” “No” I said, you will always be Miss Drusilla. When I finally had my own school, I was so proud when Miss Drusilla visited GLTDS as an examiner and adjudicator. Her support and confidence meant so much to me. It continued when I started the dance wear shop and manufacturing business. It was an honour, and a challenge sometimes, to supply all the beautiful and wonderful costumes and uniforms. I will always remember Miss Drusilla for her incredible love , encouragement and inspiration to me. When I was down and struggling, she was always there. She was a guiding light which will never fade. Remembering Miss Drusilla with love, Gerry, Geraldine Merrill (Smith)